0904 · /execute if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraftgrass_block as @s at @s run setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraftquartz_block You can also use the unless modifier except for if For example, if the block below your feet is not quartz, this command will set it to quartz /execute unless ~ ~1 ~ minecraftquartz_block as @s at @s run setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraftquartz_block · # activate command and change toggle to stop command from looping execute if block 55 67 141 minecraftstone_buttonpowered=true if score global toggle matches 0 run tp @p 55 67 141 execute if block 55 67 141 minecraftstone_buttonpowered=true if score global toggle matches 0 run scoreboard players set global toggle 1 # detect when the button is off and reset1004 · /execute at @a particle minecraftheart ~ ~3 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 Force This command will produce 1 particle every tick at every player on the world It will summon the particle 3 blocks above the player If you would like to execute the command at an entity that is not a player you can replace @a with @etype=!player
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